

  • Develop integrated curricula in collaboration with middle school STEM teachers on AI
  • Emphasize the importance of visualization and representation with computers
  • Emphasize how computers perceive and learn from data
  • Provide opportunities for students to apply AI concepts to real-world applications and consider the ethical implications of AI


Teaching PD & Co-Design

AI Summer Camp

- Recruit Teachers
- PD AI concepts & tools
- Co-Design curriculum

AI curriculum

- Learning objectives/topics
- Problem-solving scenarios
- Learning activities



- Assessment tools- Co-Design Exp.
- Interview question- Summer camp - learning & attitude
- Observation- Classroom - St learning & attitude, teaching practice
- Literature review- AI curriculum tailored toward rural areas / integrated inquiry

Teaching PD & Co-Design

AI Summer Camp

- Recruit more teachers
- Initiate teacher community

Classroom implementation

- Collaborate with teachers in year 1


Teaching PD & Co-Design

AI Summer Camp

- Build teacher community

Classroom implementation

- Continue with teachers in year 1
- Support teachers in year 2